The Institute

Indian Institute of Legal Metrology, a unique pioneer institute of its nature, commonly known as IILM, is a statutory body established by the Government of India under the provisions of the Standards of Weights and Measures Act,1976 (60 of 1976),deemed to have been established under section 21 of the Legal Metrology Act.2009. It is only one of its kinds not only in India but also an apex institute in the South and South East- Asia. This Institute is working under direct control of Central Govt., Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Department of Consumer Affairs. It is well equipped with reputed, highly qualified, experienced faculty members, resourceful laboratories and other allied necessary facilities to enable it to function effectively in the field of Legal Metrology. The total area of IILM is about 70000 m2.
Institute is imparting the training in the field of Legal Metrology and its allied branches. Exclusively Institute trains the Legal Metrology officers of India in the field of Legal Metrology by conducting 32 courses at its premises. Out of these courses, Institute conducts specially 03 training courses named as Basic Training Course (BTC) for the Legal Metrology Officers (LMO) of India each of duration 04 months.
India is the State Member of the OIML, thus India follows the International traceability of the Standards. In relation with standard weight or measure, India implements the OIML recommendation as per the Country requirements. Institute maintains traceability up to the level of Reference standards.
Institute plays very vital role in the field of legal metrology by imparting the training in the concern field and makes the Legal Metrology officers efficient to execute the enforcement in the States/UTs effectively.
Institute is also imparting training to the foreign officials of the Legal Metrology. Till date Institute imparted training to the foreign officials of 32 countries.